Flying Cadet Robert Wilson Stewart boarding a PT-1 or PT-3 biplane trainer, presumably taken between 1927-1928.
Applying to Officer Candidate Schools
While serving in the Utah National Guard Field Artillery, and while attending the University of Utah, 1st Sergeant Robert Wilson Stewart began applying for opportunities to become a commissioned officer in the US military.
A letter of recommendation from the commanding officer of the Utah National Guard 222nd Field Artillery, Colonel Hamilton Gardner.
A letter of recommendation from Ernest Hollings, the University of Utah Swimming Instructor.

A letter of recommendation from Charles Welch, the Swimming Instructor at the Deseret Gymnasium

A letter of recommendation from Charles Welch, the Swimming Instructor at the Deseret Gymnasium
The Deseret Gymnasium on Temple Square, now the site of the Church Office Building [1]
Robert writes:
Each year the State gave a competitive exam for an appointment to West Point Military Academy. One year this honor was won along with an appointment to the Coast Guard, the Naval Academy and one to the Air Corps Flying School.
The entrance exam to West Point was passed – it lasted three and a half days – eight hours each day. The last question was to name the cabinet members and the president and vice president of the United States. The cabinet members were easy to remember but who was the president and vice president. After three and a half days of writing as fast as possible a mental block was formed. The instructor asked for the papers to be handed in and still these names could not be remembered. Finally, the instructor came down to gather the papers and the names remembered and written down.
The other exams were passed and order to report to each place was received. Which one to go to? Colonel Gardiner, my National Guard commanding officer was asked for advice. Take the one that will get you commissioned first was the answer. That was the Air Corps Flying School. A Lt. Maughan and Dr. Scofield had formed a board in Salt Lake City. They had passed me and the Air Corps accepted me and enlistment was made at Fort Douglas with orders to report to March Field near Riverside, California. [2]
Robert accepted his appointment as a Flying Cadet at the start of his third year studying at the University of Utah and enlisted at Fort Douglas in Salt Lake City.
Army Air Corps Primary Flying School: March Field, California (June 13, 1927 – ca. June 1928)
March Field near Riverside, California ca. 1920s [5]
Robert’s narrative continues:
The drive to California was made in an old Oldsmobile which got me there and then gave up the ghost so to speak. There were one hundred of us and nearly every state in the union represented.
It rained for the first week and the Florida cadets invited the California cadets to come down to Florida so they could see what the sun looked like. This rivalry continued throughout the camp. The Californians replied that it was liquid sunshine. They asked the cadets from Florida if they would like some ripe olives – right off the trees. They must grow them in Florida for the invitation was declined. The rest of us eagerly accepted the invitation and the bitter taste was remembered for days afterwards.
A long psychiatric exam was given us. Psychology was one course in college that seemed to be built on air castles and the twist that was given it by psychiatry was very unreal.
The psychiatric questions went something like this:
“Are you a virgin?”
“No. I am a man and men are not virgins,” a boy in front of me said. (He was wrong.)
The question was put another way – “Have you had sex with a woman?”
“Yes,” he said.
“Who was the aggressor?”
The answer was not heard as another individual started questioning me.
After the exam bedding and clothing were issued and assignments to barracks occupied the rest of the day.
Early the next morning we were issued parachutes and driven out to the middle of the flying field. Each one of us were taken for a ride. The plane would climb up to 10,000 feet and then begin stunting doing loops, rolls, chandelles (a dive followed by a climbing turn that levels just before stalling), spins with a pull out at roof top levels. The airplane climbed up to about 1,000 feet and the instructor asked us to fly. On landing, the instructor would ask how we liked flying. This was one of the times when though on the ground your spirit was still airborne. Paradise had been found in the wild blue above. One was earth bound no more. The fretters had been broken and one would be soaring in the heavens hereafter. [6]
March Field near Riverside, California ca. 1930 [7]
Being in the middle of the field enabled the instructors to land and stop rolling and then change students. But with the winds suddenly changing directions accidents would sometimes happen even though great care was taken to prevent them. Paul Manse was a member of our group and the best flyer. He seemed to be just a little more alert than the rest of us. This was proven one day when Paul noticed an airplane coming toward our instructor’s plane. Paul shouting a warning and our instructor ducked just in time to save being decapitated.
For some reason Paul was washed out – and left. Then top bird became my lot. During World War II, Paul became a colonel and our instructor, then a major, reported to Paul for duty. But that is the ups and down of army life. [8]After Paul Manse "washed out" of the Army Air Corps Flying School, he later became a Hollywood stunt pilot.
Robert continues:
Then tragedy for the first time occurred. The most promising student crashed and was killed. It tears part of one’s heart out to love and lose them. This was the first of many to come. [9]
March Field near Riverside, California ca. 1930 [10]
There was not enough vacancies at the advance school – Kelly Field – so several excellent students had to be washed out. This was tragic. Two friends were so lost.
On the brighter side after being confined to the base for six weeks we were suddenly allowed to leave the base. A car load of us went down to the beach and nearly fell out of the car when the first 'bathing beauty' was seen. Not having special uniforms, arm bands were worn displaying a propeller. Soon the soldiers lost their girls when word was spread that the arm bands meant that the wearer had a venereal disease but regained them again [when they learned it was the insignia of the Army Air Corps]. [11]
Robert presumably flew Consolidated PT-1 and PT-3 trainer aircraft, which were used as trainers by aviation cadets in the 13th School Group at March Field. During this time he served under a Lieutenant Kimbal.
A Consolidated PT-3 Trainer [14]
Robert writes:
Graduating from the primary flying school two of us drove down to Kelly Field in Texas near San Antonio. Unfortunately, the car broke down and a bus was taken the rest of the way. [15]
While at Advanced Flying School at Kelly Field for four months, Flying Cadet Stewart served under a Lieutenant Thomas.
Kelly Field, Texas in 1935 [16]
He states:
The High police beat up several of our class mates. It was decided to teach them a lesson. Observing them cruising on motorcycles on the highway, a plane would get right in back of them and then edge closer and closer until the propeller was just inches from their head. They couldn’t turn or outrun the airplane. It didn’t take long before they called us and promised to not mistreat the cadets in return for not being chased on the highway.
The next trouble we had was with the “Jelly Bean” gang. An officer was dancing with his wife at the Gunther Hotel and one of these “Jelly Beans” wanted to cut in. The wife refused and an argument developed with the officer being invited outside to settle the matter. A place was selected but when the officer got out of his car a much larger “Jelly Bean” stepped up and the officer was badly beaten and warned not to go to the Gunther Hotel again. The rest of the uniformed men were also included. [17]
Robert continues:
The cadets at both Kelly and Brooks went to the hotel the next Saturday. The police found out about it and three of them waited at the entrance of the hotel. A few cadets invited the police outside and others shut and lock the doors.
Somehow the fight started and soon the entire hall was filled with fighting men. Soon there was only one “Jelly Bean” left standing, or willing to continue the action. He challenged any one and so opposing him was Bob Black former heavy weight champion of either the AAA or intercollegiate groups. Six times the “Jelly Bean” went down before he finally admitted that he had had enough. He was induced to promise never to bother service men again and no more trouble was had from that gang.
One of the first fatal air crashes occurred on a Friday afternoon. Tex Dawson and another was in an airplane – a bomber – when suddenly the tail control wires broke and the airplane nosed down. Tex and I used to do a tumbling act requiring great agility. He pushed the other cadet out and then jumped. Unfortunately, he pulled his rip cord too soon and the parachute opened too soon and was caught on the tail of the airplane dragging him down with it.
His funeral was held Saturday morning and the Cadet Corps escorted his body to the post gate and then turned around and the band played “Hail, Hail, the Gang’s All Here” and a dance was held that night. [19]
Tex had the first bunk in the barracks. The next bunk was Ray Snider’s. Two weeks later he was killed. He was the only boy in a large family of girls and his mother just couldn’t believe that he had been killed. She talked for two hours with Richard Lee, his best friend, asking over and over is Ray really dead?
The next bunk was Totivan’s. And two weeks later while simulating an attack on an observation plane which consisted of diving below his target and then coming up under it. No pressure flying suits were had at this time and he passed out. His plane ran into the observation plane and both planes crashed. He was decapitated. His head being thrown clear of the plane and seen falling by others.
Shelden Yoder was flying the observation plane and as it spun down he promptly dove over the side of the plane. But found himself upside down in the rear cockpit. He quickly tried to unfasten his parachute but in his excitement it became more entangled. So he remained very still and counted to ten. This calmed him so that he was able to untangle his chute and dive over board. His parachute swung back and forth twice before he hit the ground.
Two weeks later, while working on a horizontal bar someone kicked the wire holding the bar and they picked me off the floor and rushed me to the hospital. The doctor said there was no way of stopping the internal bleeding and very shortly that would be the end. Somehow this infuriated me. They were not going to have my funeral the next day, escort my body to the Post limits, turn around and play “The Gang’s All Here” and that didn’t include me. And then have a dance that night! This undoubtedly saved my life as it pumped adrenaline into the blood stream increasing my heart beat – but it was very close. All these happened on a Friday afternoon two weeks apart. [20]
Robert was treated at the Fort Sam Houston Station Hospital from October 10 to November 10, 1928 for this injury, which severely damaged his kidney and resulted in hematuria. This injury nearly prevented him from serving in the military and continued to recur throughout his life. A medical report stated:
This officer was well until 1928 when while on active duty at SAD AFPDC, San Antonio, Texas, he was injured while performing on horizontal bars during authorized physical training. At that time, he fell and contused the dorsal lumbar region. This was followed by transient hematuria which lasted for one day, but was not confirmed by laboratory examination at that time. [21]
The Main Building of the Fort Sam Houston Medical Station [22]
Graduation Exercises of Advanced Flying School from “The Air Corps Newsletter” by the Chief of the Air Corps’ Office, October 1928. [23]

Graduating Flying Cadets Assigned to Active Duty from “The Air Corps Newsletter” by the Chief of the Air Corps’ Office, October 1928 [24]
He writes:
Finally graduation day came and four of us Fred Solter, Hugh “Rock Smith, Stanley Robinson and myself were sent to Rockwell Field. [25]
Assignment to Rockwell Field, San Diego, California
Upon graduating, Flying Cadet Stewart was scheduled to be commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Officer’s Reserve Corps of the Army of the United States on October 20, 1928 and received his rating as an Airplane Pilot on Oct 30, 1928.
He began active duty on November 11, 1928 with his first assignment at Rockwell Field in San Diego, California. 2nd Lieutenant Stewart reported to the 7th Bombardment Group and was assigned as a squadron officer to the 11th Bombardment Squadron on November 13, 1928, the only heavy bomber squadron in the US Army Air Corps; on November 16 he was appointed Assistant Squadron Engineering Officer for the HQ 11th Bomb Squadron.
[2] Robert W. Stewart, Personal Writings.He began active duty on November 11, 1928 with his first assignment at Rockwell Field in San Diego, California. 2nd Lieutenant Stewart reported to the 7th Bombardment Group and was assigned as a squadron officer to the 11th Bombardment Squadron on November 13, 1928, the only heavy bomber squadron in the US Army Air Corps; on November 16 he was appointed Assistant Squadron Engineering Officer for the HQ 11th Bomb Squadron.
[6] Robert W. Stewart, Personal Writings.
[8] Robert W. Stewart, Personal Writings.
[9] Robert W. Stewart, Personal Writings.
[11] Robert W. Stewart, Personal Writings.
[15] Robert W. Stewart, Personal Writings.
[17] Robert W. Stewart, Personal Writings.
[18] By intenteffect - IMG_0337Uploaded by xnatedawgx, CC BY-SA 2.0,
[20] Robert W. Stewart, Personal Writings.
[21] Robert W. Stewart, Military Medical Records.
[25] Robert W. Stewart, Personal Writings.
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